Friday, January 15, 2010 gud time!

som'times we as ppl look at ourselves from a mirror point of view. tryna capture the 2nd dimensional picture perfect person we try to be nd tend to tlk face to face to ourself. as in why...? "why is there nothing gud ever goes as plan?" or mos' importantly in my case "why this shyt cant go my way?" we all at a point ask ourselves this question. eventho, we kno thas not a life trac God wanted us to hear, if its on our CD of destiny he'll mos' definitely skip the trac or invite som'one in our life to tell us in due time.

angry nd upset we tend to be, keepin our eyes open in this situation we cant rly see eye to eye w/ God as in thru prayer. this sad condition ave us mad, wanted it so bad nd som'time we verbally affect our closest frenz, family or anybody around w/ the anger.

worryin over this minor setbac now introduces stress A.K.A foe nt a gud fren. so throw on ur hater blockers nd take notes, today's lession God teaches us the state of bein rejected. pay attention, this experience makes you stronger nd if ur plan was inevitable its all gud.